Patient Kiosk

Please note that Patient Kiosk is no longer offered by QHR Technologies. This section remains to assist clients who may still have this service and is for informational purposes only.

An optional module which when enabled allows patients to:  

The information displayed when a patient checks in using the kiosk screen can be customized and is set up in System Settings (Users > Manage Security > System Settings > Patient Kiosk). This includes:

When the kiosk has been setup as required by the clinic, the computer that is the kiosk can be set up to show the kiosk full screen using Ctrl+Shift+F. This ensures that all the patient can see is the kiosk information that users want them to see.

Set-up the Patient Kiosk

  1. Press and release the Alt button on the keyboard, click Users and select Manage Security form the list displayed.
  2. Click the System Settings tab.
  3. Click the Patient Kiosk tab. The patient kiosk setup area is displayed. This is divided into three areas: Security, Configuration and Messages.
    Note: If you cannot see the patient kiosk tab this is because it has not been enabled.

  4. Kiosk Timeout is the amount of time that must elapse before the patient who last logged in is automatically logged out. The default value is 5 minutes, but this can be changed, if required.
  5. Logout Message Delay is the time delay before the logout message is displayed. The default value is 5 seconds, but this can be changed, if required.
  6. Create Configurations by selecting the  button to display the Kiosk Configuration window.
  7. Configuration Name: The name of the current configuration once complete and OK has been clicked.
  8. Allowed Insurers: Limits the insurers for the arriving patients.
  9. Office Selection: Select an office if setting up multi-office kiosks.
  10. Exclude Patient Flags: Exclude patients with the specifically chosen flags from being able to check in using Kiosk.
  11. Allow Patient Arrival: this allows patients to mark themselves as arrived. The default for this setting is enabled.
  12. Max early arrival: Set the number of minutes that a patient can check in prior to their start appointment.
  13. Max late arrival: Set the number of minutes that a patient can check in after their appointment start time.
  14. Add to Wait room (if no appointments): allows patients to add themselves to the wait room if an appointment is not scheduled. The default for this setting is enabled.
  15. Show Demographics: displays the patient's demographics to allow them to check them. The default for this setting is enabled.
  16. Show Forms: allows any forms you may want the patient to complete to be displayed. The default for this setting is enabled.
  17. Restricted Arrivals to Selected Office: If the patient who is checking in has an appointment for a different office, they will not be able to check in through this Kiosk. When an office selection is set to a specific office this option becomes available. 
  18. Open Kiosk in Full Screen: Automatically opens the Kiosk in full screen mode when first launched.
  19. Card Swipe: Allows an office to disable the prompt for patients to swipe their health card if there is no card swipe machine attached to their kiosk stations.
  20. Messages: Various tabs where users can enter messages that are displayed for the patients. In this section users can use HTML formatting to display message as required. Images can also be used. :
  21. When you have updated the kiosk settings click Save Settings and Close.