
This area of you Accuro software contains a lot of features in a very small space. Some of the options in this section are province specific. Where this is the case, the province(s) an option is applicable to are listed at the end of the description. If no provinces are listed then this option is applicable to all provinces. 

Not all Users have access to the General section.

If you think you should be able to access options in the General area of Accuro and you cannot, please contact your office administrator. Some options require Administrator or Power User roles.

To access this section navigate though:

  1. Click the Accuro Start Menu  or press Alt button on the keyboard, click Users and select Manage Security from the list displayed.
  2. Click the System Settings tab on the left-hand side of the window.
  3. Click the General tab within System Settings.

From the General tab, users can set the following:

General Settings

Patient File Number Settings

Disable Ability to Generate New File Numbers: Removes dice button that will assign next available file number to a patient in the Patients section.

Unique File Numbers: When selected this option ensures that patient's have unique file numbers.

Read Only File Numbers: When selected this option ensures that file numbers are read only and cannot be changed by users.

Include Year in Patient File Number: When selected this option includes the current year in the file numbers.

Custom File Number Label: Enables clients to add a custom label to the file number.

EMR Settings

The settings in the section affect the documents and EMR area of Accuro.

Day Sheet

Show Non-Appointment Bills in the Day Sheet: Shows non-appointment bills when printing the day sheet.


Enable Document Sub-Types: When selected users are able to have document sub types in the documents area.

Enable Document From Field: This displays the From field in the documents section (in the right-hand side of the window)

Check for Documents with Same Date When Updating: Checks for documents that have the same date when uploading (to help prevent the importing of duplicate documents).

Form Settings

Allow for saving of a form that has incomplete mandatory fields: If selected, users will be allowed to save forms even if the mandatory fields are not filled in.

Encounter Notes

Show No Show Appointments in Encounter Notes: Displays no show appointments in the appointment history in Encounter notes.

Save Notes to Current Day by Default: If selected all notes are saved to today's date by default.

Allow Users to Delete Reviewed Chart Items: Chart items that have been reviewed can be deleted by users. If this option is not selected then reviewed chart items cannot be deleted.

Filter Text Labs Longer than Allows the user to select the maximum length of labs to be displayed. characters in length:

Filter Zero-Length Lab Results: Filter blank, zero-length and asterisk (*) Lab Results from displaying from the EMR > Encounter Notes > Labs section.

Show Linked Results From Other Tests When Viewing Labs 'By Test': When viewing labs by test linked results form other tests are displayed.

Show Non-Appointment Bills in EMR: If selected bill created that weren't linked to appointments are also displayed.

Manually Locked Letter can be Edited Until Midnight: Edits can be made to a newly locked letter until midnight.

Lock Letters After User can specify how many hours after a letter is created and saved it is automatically locked. Hours:

Manually Locked Form can be Edited Until Midnight: Edits can be made to a newly locked form until midnight.

Lock Forms After User can specify how many hours after a form is created and saved it is automatically locked. Hours:

Prevent Printing of Controlled Substance Prescriptions: When selected this option prevents a user from printing any prescriptions that contained controlled substances.

Immunization Lot Required: If selected when a user is entering immunizations for a patient they are required to enter a lot number.

Immunization Contact Required: The user will be required to get an immunization contact from the patient if this checkbox is selected.

Show Medical History Tab in EMR: If this checkbox is selected the Medical History tab is displayed in the EMR.

Show Attach Dialog When Generating to Word: This functionality is no longer supported.

Show Extra Demographics on Clinical Note Print-Outs: When selected additional patient demographic is included in printouts of a patient's clinical notes.

Show Provider Type on Encounter Notes Label: Provider type is displayed beside the Provider's name in the Encounter Notes section. Provider types are found in the Provider Management (F2) > configure a Provider > Provider details section within the Provider Wizard window.

Default Lab Entry Review State by Provider and Lab Test: Manual lab entries will recall the review state selection of "Reviewed" or "Send to Provider", per lab test and per Provider for each test. The last used selections will apply until a different selection is entered.

User One Year After Start Date when Calculating Expiry of Prescriptions without Expiry Dates: If a prescription does not have an expiry date and this checkbox is selected, it is marked as expired after one year.


Display Triplicates: When enabled, the Triplicates checkbox is visible when prescribing a medication.

Override Triplicates: When enabled, along with "Display Triplicates", allows the user to toggle the Triplicates checkbox when prescribing a medication.

Display Onset Date into Date of Diagnosis when no date is specified: When enabled, diagnosis date is the same as onset date if no date is entered.

Display Warning When New External Medication May Interact with Existing Prescription or Patient Allergy: When entering a record of an external medication, a warning will be displayed if the medication may have adverse effects based on existing prescriptions or patient allergies.

Virtual Chart

Separate Labs in the Virtual Chart by Physician: By default, when multiple providers order labs that have the same Collection Date, the labs group together in the Virtual Chart. If this option is set, the labs will be displayed separately.

Generated Letter Date: Select from "Date of Service" or "Generated Date" to display under the Date column in the Virtual Chart.

Generated Letter Created Date: Select from "Date of Service" or "Generated Date" to display under the Created Date column in the Virtual Chart.

Lab Date: Select from "Collection Date", "Observation Date", or "Received Date" to display under the Date column in the Virtual Chart.

Lab Created Date: Select from "Collection Date", "Observation Date", or "Received Date" to display under the Created Date column in the Virtual Chart.

Lab Document Date: Select from "Collection Date" or "Received Date" options to display under the Date column in the Virtual Chart.

Lab Document Created Date: Select from "Collection Date" or "Received Date" options to display under the Created Date column in the Virtual Chart.

Task Settings

Show Current Office Tasks Only: This option, when selected, ensures that only tasks for the current office are displayed. If deselected then tasks for all offices are displayed.

Always Show Tasks Sent by Current User: Home Section, Tasks Alerts, and Patient Tasks (F7) will include tasks that the current user has sent.

Display the Office that a Task was sent from (Office abbreviation will be displayed if set, otherwise Office name): Displays a column with "Office From" available in Home section > Tasks folder.

Display the Office that a Task was sent to (Office abbreviation will be displayed if set, otherwise Office name): Displays a column with "Office To" available in Home section > Tasks folder.

Medeo Booking Requests

Settings related to Medeo Booking Requests.

Poll Stargate Notifications: When disabled, notifications will be processed using the configuration set at Configure Locations.

Auto populate appointment note with the booking request comment: If selected, then the appointment note will be populated with the booking request comment that the user entered when booking the request.

Medeo Dependent Booking: If selected, the user will be allowed to associate a Medeo Request with a dependent patient.

Appointment Sync interval: Select how often Medeo Booking requests from patients refresh in the Medeo Bookings requests column in the Scheduler section.

Interface Settings

Adjust the Default Behaviour of Different Interfaces.

Full Provider Name Lab Inbox Matching: When selected, Accuro uses the full Provider name for lab inbox matching. This increases the accuracy of Provider lab matching when either multiple providers with the same last name are present or no lab IDs are entered.

Match Labs to Inactive Providers: Lab results for inactive Providers by default go to the Unassigned Lab folder in the Home Section. When enabled, this reverts back to matching labs with inactive providers.